
How To Improve Hygiene Standards When Using Disposable Pulp Bedpans

By using disposable pulp bedpans, your facility is already being proactive in its approach to infection prevention and control.


Exposure to human waste can cause dangerous HCAIs to spread, including C. difficile and coronavirus. This presents a constant challenge for care professionals who must assist patients with limited mobility or continence issues.

By nature, pulp bedpans are an extremely hygienic response to the hazardous issue of managing toileting needs in hospitals and care homes.

Once used by the patient, a pulp utensil can be covered and taken to the sluice room for maceration; a quick and clean procedure to pulverise the container and its contents into a fine mixture, which is then seamlessly flushed through the sewerage system.

When properly executed, this process will minimise cross-contamination and provide a safer environment for your patients and clinicians. However, this system isn’t always flawless.

Pulp bedpans often require plastic supports which are not disposable.


When a patient uses a bedpan, they will generally be in a sitting or lying position, meaning that the bedpan itself will need to hold some of that patient’s weight. Although pulp bedpans are strong, durable, and able to hold waste without leaks, they generally require a plastic support to make this a little more comfortable for the user.

As plastic supports aren’t disposable, they also need wiping down with a suitable antibacterial solution after each use. Although this doesn’t cause a significant infection control concern when the correct protocols are carried out, it still takes time – of which clinicians have very little.

Biocommode collage

DDC Dolphin are proud to introduce Biocommode, a high quality and self-supporting disposable pulp bedpan.


Eliminating the need for a separate plastic support, Biocommode is a convenient and hygienic single-use bedpan which saves time and furthers your infection control procedures.

Made of 100% compressed recycled newspaper, Biocommode can independently hold up to 130kg, making it comfortable and simple for your patients and clinicians to use. Furthermore, Biocommode features a handy integrated lid, which folds out and covers the contents after use – preventing spillage, odours, or the need for a separate covering while being transported to a macerator for disposal.

As a result, the process of assisting patients and safely disposing of waste is quicker and easier than ever before – creating not only a hygienically clean environment, but one with more time to be spent where it matters most; by the patient’s bedside, providing hands-on care.

Store Biocommode with ease, thanks to its flat-pack design.


With space in your facilities at an absolute premium, Biocommode is made with simple storage in mind. Flat-packed for convenience, your clinicians will have ample supplies when they need them most, as well as easy separation for dispensing.

Although your infection control procedures will certainly specify that used bedpans should be disposed of as soon as possible, Biocommode won’t let your clinicians down in an emergency. The pulp is durable enough to hold liquid for up to 4 hours, reducing infection risks during times when resources are stretched.

Furthermore, the benefits of Biocommode won’t be surpassed by a large carbon footprint. You can trust DDC Dolphin to supply an environmentally friendly solution, made of 100% biodegradable and compostable raw material, which can be turned into agricultural fertiliser post-maceration.

Keen to find out more about Biocommode and how it could benefit your facility?


Discover the full details here

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