Maintaining the Effectiveness of a UVMATIC UV Air Purifier


Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, cleansing the atmosphere of airborne viruses and bacteria has become a top priority for medical facilities and domestic environments alike.


UV light is a well-established killer of dangerous germs. In 2021, the journal Scientific Reports found that far-UVC light could kill 99.9 percent of airborne coronaviruses in about 25 minutes.


With these findings likely to extend to SARS-CoV-2 as well, many medical facilities are leveraging UV technology as part of their everyday infection control strategy – but to truly make the most of the benefits, it’s vital to understand how individual UV air purification units work.


The UVMATIC is a wall mounted air purifier, recommended for use in sluice rooms, washrooms and corridors.

By destroying bacteria in the air and on surfaces, UVMATIC creates a cleaner and safer setting for patients, staff and visitors – as well as eliminating the unpleasant odours that can be indicative of poor hygiene.


By reducing outbreaks of HCAIs and keeping the air smelling fresh, these innovative units are a welcome addition to any facility’s infection control armoury – but for performance to be optimised, there are some important maintenance considerations to be made.


The UVMATIC is powered by one specialist, low-energy, 16-watt UV bulb.

By reducing the need for environmentally damaging chemicals, UVMATIC won’t just protect your patients – it’ll help to protect the planet, too.


However, the UV bulb in each UVMATIC is consumable. As it ages, it becomes less efficient and doesn’t produce the same amount of UVC energy as when it’s new.


This reduction of UVC light energy results in decreased production of essential bacteria- destroying plasma.  Long-term, this means the efficiency of the unit is compromised and its area of effectiveness is dramatically reduced.


In order to keep protecting your patients and clinicians, it’s vital that maintenance of the UV bulb is sustained.


With normal use, the UVMATIC UVC bulb will provide around 8,000 hours of worry-free air cleansing.

This usually equates to a 12-month period of reliable protection against many airborne illnesses.


After a year, however, using the same bulb without review can be perilous. There can be as much as 50% reduction in UVC output power, with deterioration continuing as time goes on. 


This could mean you think you are protected when you are not.


Servicing your UVMATIC is quick, easy and guarantees protection.

Replacement of UV bulbs and a fan check are just a couple of points on the annual service. So, there’s no need to fret about the effectiveness of your UV protection – simply arrange for your DDC Dolphin engineer to visit and you’ll benefit from another year of reliable defence.



Keen to put the UVMATIC to the test? Why not try it for free in your hospital wards.

Try Before You Buy

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